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About Diversity Trax
DiversityTrax was developed and introduced by Computech Corporation, a Minority Owned Enterprise. Our goal was to provide an affordable option for reporting a company’s diversity spending. We pride ourselves on being able to provide a cost-effective solution that exceeds your expectations.
Our company leaders have been engaged with national Diversity Councils and understand the business impact of diversity. Being on both sides of the spectrum, we understand how it feels to be a Prime Supplier to Fortune 500 companies and being a Tier 2 Supplier (Diverse Company).
What is Supplier Diversity and the Supplier Diversity Program?
Supplier Diversity is a strategic business process aimed at providing diverse, minority owned companies an equal opportunity to become suppliers to major corporations across North America
- A voluntary initiative by many Fortune 500 companies to ensure they include suppliers of diverse backgrounds in their supply chain.
- Gives minority companies an opportunity to become suppliers to major corporations across the US and Canada.
- Capitalizes on the competitive advantage and community engagement that comes from working with a broad range of diverse suppliers.
- Encourages the use of diverse suppliers including; minority-owned, women owned, veteran owned, LGBT-owned and historically underutilized small businesses.
- Help Corporations meet compliance requirements and formalize strategic frameworks around diversity initiatives.

- Promotes acquiring products and services from under-used suppliers and helps to sustain and transform a company’s supply chain.
- When implemented, it impacts the use of these suppliers will enhance a company’s supply chain diversification.
- Captures the activity of the diversity spend and records the transactions with diverse suppliers.
- Quantifies how a diversity spend reflects the demographics of the community in which a company operates.
- Align diversity planning to strategic objectives and operational decisions.
- Analyze Vendor related data and create diversity and inclusion analytics.
Why DiversityTraX?

Boost Your Program
Strengthen your program through automating time consuming tasks needed to track all 2nd Tier supplier spending.

Manage Your Suppliers
Give your company direct access to a diverse network of strategic suppliers that can be added to your Tier 2 program AND makes it easy to manage their activity.

Efficient Reporting
Provide management instant updates so you can produce detailed quarterly and annual reports detailing your Tier 2 spend.